Gamification is the process of transferring the game design thinking into non-game applications to make them more fun and engaging. According to the gaming theorist, Tom Chatfield, games, with their immersive quests and deeply satisfying virtual rewards,area a great place to test new approaches to real-world systems that need a reboot.
I like the idea of gamification, for us Asian student, study is really a burden for our childhood, and teenage period, then, playing games while learning would be such a great thing. Especially for language learning, it's a long and hard march, while with the help of games, it will and fun and interest for students to learn insistently. Game also help teacher to make a context that the learning content is meaningful and useful because the students need to know the meaning of the game instructions and purpose...It's quite motivating and challenging to insert games in the language class.
I tried playing one of the escape the room game: The great living room escape, personally, I played three times,finally, by watching the walk through, I reached it.
This game could be inserted in the speaking or writing class for the purpose of learning vocabulary. The objective of language learning could be the reviewing of direction prepositions or the leaning of the nouns in the living room, students could also learn how to describe an environment through playing this escape game.
At the same time, teacher's role could be a guide to introduce these nouns or prepositions, and also help students to learn how to describe the environment by giving examples. Teachers could test and check the understanding and comprehension of students by using this game as well.
In my opinion, I will use the walk through for the game, because the escape the room game needs a clear instruction, if not, it's hard and time costing for students to solve out. And by the explanation of the instruction or even only describing the walk through may help students to learn more vocabulary, and practice the listening comprehension. I will also use the image as well, for instance, as the following picture shows, students could learn from the picture description, how to describe up, down, under, beside...these prepositions....
For the assessment, the teacher could let students to have an oral or writing test by introducing their way to get out of the room, or describe a given picture from the game. Teachers could get the feedback quickly and directly through it to see if students really understand or
This sounds like a very good lesson plan.